I vote for Ted Kuntz as HHS Secretary :)

We really do need plain speaking now...

After 16 long years investigating vaccination policy and practice, I’ve come to the conclusion that the blessed Church of Vaccination is a disaster.

It’s INSANE! Injecting these poisons into the population, from ‘womb to tomb’, largely against self-limiting illnesses which would resolve for most people - so why intervene?

The scales have fallen from my eyes… Once you’ve been red-pilled, there’s no going back.

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Great write-up Mr Ted! Bobby should have known this question would have been directed toward him by someone in Congress sponsored by Big Pharma. If he had better prepared himself in advance with a response similar to yours, it would have blown up the internet!!!

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Can we somehow blow up the Internet with Ted's excellent essay. It should be broadcast far and wide, especially through the halls of power. As a minimum, every Alberta MLA should get a copy to support Dr. Davidson's report.

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He knew, but with all those grandstanding zealots (albeit the zealotry of the bought) he wouldn't have been able to complete a sentence trying to expand on and put his thoughts into context. It all seems reminiscent of Salem and/or the reformation and counter-reformation. When it's a "religion", with the religion itself deeply corrupt, reason goes out the window.

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Vaccines are poisons



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Well said Ted!

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Sooooo well said Liz.

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ALL vaccines are toxic - informative article, gratitude TK ...

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The problem I saw was they barely gave him a chance to take a breath let alone answer one of their questions while yelling at him like he’s was a 5 year old! They know he has a speech impediment and they took full advantage of it! I wanted to come off my couch and put a sock in their millions of dollars of paid off mouths to give Bobby a chance to answer the damn questions! They were sickening!

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Health is not at the end of a needle never has been all these people must be obsessed with "needles" sort of speak

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Unfortunately, I believe RFK must take this line because he would also receive opposition from the Republicans if he was to state openly what he really believes (and what we all know).

Many politicians are on the take from this pHarma funded gravy train, some of them receiving millions of dollars in kickbacks. However, there was some things I would have liked RFK to challenge. When Senator Sheldon Whitehouse said... "there`s two important things RFK Jr must do":

1) Promise to NEVER say vaccines aren`t medically safe 2) Make it indisputably clear that you support MANDATORY vaccinations.

On point one, the trial data provided is not compared to quality long term transparent placebo studies, and, often shows inconsistencies when anyone challenges the data or, if they are sued for the data which is often incomplete or heavily redacted. What do they have to hide? On point two, How can RFK ever support MANDATORY vaccinations when it violates our lawful right to "valid fully informed consent without coercion or manipulation". Does Senator Whitehouse (or is that "Whitewash") actually support the unlawful use of coercion for dangerous medical experiments (he calls them vaccines) on humans?

These are the type of people who injured me with these genetic injections and confiscated my job because I refused to risk further injury. And yes, I am definitely ANTI-VAX and fully support Ted`s musings with justification.

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Do not comply, guy you’re absolutely correct. This has been corruption from the start for over a century and a half now I believe pure satanic evil.

They will have to kill me before they get to inject me!

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It would have been far better if POTUS 47 would simply dissolve HHS. Article I Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution does not mention healthcare as one of the delegated powers granted by the several States. Then RFK jr could return to the issue of Children's Health in which he has already demonstrated great ability.

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Excellent post. Thank you.

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DR. ANDREW MOULDEN - VACCINE INJURIES ( Dr Moulden was assassinated for standing up for the truth. So, if you are coherent all of you about what you are saying, at least please watch Dr Moulden's presentation. I am anti vax by the way. All vaccines are poisonous. All.

Conférence pour la Liberté de Choix en Santé. Montreal 2009. English. 1:48:04 min

Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Microvascular Damage

¨Dr. Andrew Moulden recognized that every dose of vaccine given to a person produced microvascular damage whether or not the person was aware of the damage or had debilitating symptoms at the time the vaccines were given. He courageously stepped out of the conventional box of medical diagnosis and treatment, and gave us a new way to look at modern neurodevelopmental illnesses and syndromes.

This series of articles is intended to preserve the work of Dr. Moulden, who unexpectedly died in November of 2013. I want to acknowledge the contribution of this forward-thinking pioneer who worked to explain the truth about vaccine damage. This is article two in a series of four articles about Dr. Moulden’s life work.¨


Dr Andrew Moulden - What He Told Us Before Pharma Murdered Him 8:55 min


Health Canada Corruption - Dr. Andrew Moulden - MD, PhD 7:07


Dr. Andrew Moulden 2 10:07


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Someone needs to get this into RFKs hands promptly!

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Hell yes I am! The true history of virology and vaccine "science" is a fraud, when you study it! It's been a tool to sicken, profit off of, and now, cull the population for over 100 years!

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Dear Ted Kuntz & Dr Mark Trozzi,

At one point in my boys young lives ,I thought "they" were alright. I asked my GP at the time and he said only 1 in 100,000 people get a reaction and it is usually a topical allergy. Skin rash or something of that nature. I was lucky. They were born in '87 and '89. I guess we really did dodge a bullet unlike Ted's young son. Crap shoot it seems but I do remember going to visit my Grandparents in the late 70's on Vancouver Island and there was this young man named Phil and people called him "Flying Phil" my friend Jennifer told me. I asked her why? She said,"He doesn't drive so he walks everywhere, miles and miles. He waved at us when we were walking to the arcade. He was 20 and we were 15. Something was off. His speech was compromised, almost child like. Jen said , "It was a Vx cene that he got as a child." That family was compensated too. Thank God. We lost him at the age of 64 , 3 years ago. Deja VU again. :( Regards Rolonne Marie Ross.

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In total agreement with you.

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